Meaningful Membership
At Tar Landing, we exist to proclaim the Word of God and make mature disciples
of Christ for the glory of God. Your path towards membership at Tar Landing
begins with our Membership Class.
God has created and chosen the local church to fulfill His mission of making disciples.
Therefore, being a member of a local church matters. We understand that joining
a church is a big deal. Allow us to help you navigate this process.
1. Are there requirements for being a member at Tar Landing? Yes!
• Be a follower of Jesus Christ.
• Be baptized by immersion following your conversion.
• Agree with our beliefs. Our church website contains our beliefs.
• Complete the membership process.
2. What is the membership process at Tar Landing?
• Attend the Membership Class that is offered frequently throughout the year. Pay attention for the Membership Class announcement.
• Meet with a pastor.
• Be baptized (if necessary)
• Be presented before the church for a vote of affirmation.
3. What is expected of members of Tar Landing?
• Worship (Attend regularly.)
To the best of your ability and availability get involved in Bible study classes.
(Sunday School, small groups, or Wednesday Night.)
• Pray (For one another and for the church.)
• Grow (Grow in spiritual maturity.)
• Serve (We ask that you faithfully serve in a ministry of Tar Landing. Each believer has been given a spiritual gift(s) by the Holy Spirit for the building up of the saints and the glory of God. Please come use your spiritual gift!)
• Share (We expect you to share your faith!)
• Give (Give generously, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 & 2 Corinthians 9:7. Give as God leads you to give.)
• Unity (Do everything you can to protect/maintain the unity the Holy Spirit has given to the church, Ephesians 4:1-3.)